Road Map to Recovery

Substance abuse can create changes in the brain, causing powerful cravings and a compulsion to use that makes sobriety seem like an impossible goal.

When you’re caught in the throes of a mental health struggle like depression or anxiety, recovery can seem like an impossible dream. Though recovery requires hard work, can be difficult at times, and takes time, it is within your reach.

As you scope out your own path to recovery, keep in mind these 5 critical steps.

They can help in evaluating your symptoms and rule out other possible causes for them. A doctor can help connect you with other local resources and treatment options, like talk therapy, support groups, or if appropriate, medication.

Explore your addiction treatment options.

Depression and anxiety can affect your sleep, diet, and energy levels, among other areas of your life. There are a number of things that you can start on your own to improve your functioning and performance, while at the same time reaching out for professional support.

Fighting depression or anxiety requires a team approach. Trying to do it by yourself won’t get the job done. Recovery becomes much easier – and more effective – when you bring other people into the mix.

It can be a long road back to good health and there are going to be ups and downs along the way. Don’t beat yourself up when you hit bumps in the road – it happens to everyone. Find what works for you, and stick with it.


As you get on the road to recovery, it can be useful to learn from people who have already travelled on that path. Check out some help reflections from those who have found health and happiness again:

18 Quotes to Help You Through Depression